Shukalaam Brahma Vichaar Saar Parama
Adhyaan Jagadvyaapeeneem

Veenaa Pusthaka Dhaarineem Abhayadaam

Haste Sphaatikamaalikaam Vidadhateem
Padmaasane Sansthitaam

Vande Taam Parameshwareem Bhagavatheem
Buddheepradaam Shaaradaam
Who is All pure, the essence of the
teaching of Veda and whose presence is
not apart from anything
(in terms of knowledge)

whose arms bear the veenaa
(a string musical instrument),
the book of knowledge and who is
the bestower of fearlessness, and
remover of the darkness of ignorance

who (also) bears a crystal
maalaa (rosary), whose form is brilliant
and is firmly established in her position
who is a graceful bestower of intellect
to that Goddess (also known as Shaaraada)
I offer my prostrations.